Man Brutaly Beaten by Syrian Soldier and then stoned to death

Posted on social networking sites, on Tuesday night, recording shows and brutal regime forces in dealing with an unidentified person in civilian clothes in a repeat of the scene, which has spread a few days ago and called it a massacre, « the appeal and stones. »

Join that seems to be a photographer by one of the elements in the regime’s army colleagues of torturing and beating people to urge him to confess the whereabouts of the rest of his companions, perhaps to their expectation that free fighters in the army.

And the elements several captive multiplying this by stick coupled with insults and Kafr very divine, before the two others broke stones over his head, to fall down time prisoner without movement.

And then the element by firing several shots to the head.

Did not know the place and time Join accurately, it is likely to be picked up during the winter because of the regular soldiers bass

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